

SUNDAY, 11:30 AM (Pacific)

About This Vlog

We should strive for a life where our thoughts begin to catch focus to what the Lord would want for us, not the daily mumbo-jumbo this world has to offer. Remember why the Word Of God says in John 15:19, “If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.”

Honestly, you have a choice. Sometimes the choice is easy and often times it’s more difficult than what we would like. But it’s not because is all of a sudden in your face, but because we are saturated with what the world has to offer that we are desensitized to its devices making it increasingly challenging to recognize the truth, and the amber exit sign that’s flashing right in front of us...

Hey, I’m nobody. But I have news for you - neither are you. Now that we have established that we can pick up our identity in God’s word and live a fulfilled life walking with Him.

Pastor Hines

Facing the Mirror

by: Clevester Hines



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Moving Forward II

by: Clevester Hines



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Moving Forward I

by: Clevester Hines



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The Importance of God's Word

by: Clevester Hines



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Be Whole

by: Clevester Hines



Are you living a double life?

You know, when you're one way at home but a completely different person everywhere else. Do you carry yourself differently while in the presence of your  Christian friends but your character changes in the face of those that are challenged in their faith? If Jesus has come into your heart, you must remeber that he's there to make you "whole" not split you apart; it's a job that only he can accomplish.

The abundant life Jesus speaks about in Joh

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Moments That Matter

by: Clevester Hines



John 4:4-6

Jesus never wasted a moment. He made moments count.

Even when he was in arguably the worse pain a man could suffer he took a moment of anguish, and agony on the cross to ensure his mother was looked after when he was gone. (John 19:26-27)

In the referenced text (John 4) Jesus creates another moment that matters. He maximizes the moment he has at a well where water was usually drawn in the morning and evening because of the heat of the day. He meets a women there an

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Bible Study Notes

by: Clevester Hines




Here we begin looking at the transformation that faith in Christ will make in relationships inside the home.

Colossians 3:18-21

V. 18a See Ephesians 5:22-24; Titus 2:5; I Peter 3:1;

V.18b Ephesians 5:1-3

V.19a See Ephesians 5:25, 28, 33;

V.19b Ephesians 4:31

A christian marriage becomes a reflection of the union and relationship between the Lord and the church.

Ephesians 5:21

Proverbs 27:17


Christ is:The head ...
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Here's To Another Day

by: Clevester Hines



Here’s To Another Day!

Thinking a bit about what this year has brought, and what it will bring. I have determined to experience more fatigue than before.

I know that sounds weird but, I question if I really am wasting the breath that God gave me. What am I doing with the time he’s allotted me? Am I a producer or just a consumer? Do I get up and go or wait for it to come to me? God forbid - not anymore. Now is the time to move and be productive.

If not me, then who? If not

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It's Another Day The Lord Has Blessed Me

by: Clevester Hines



“It’s another day that the Lord has blessed me…”

True enough, it is another day that the Lord has blessed me. This is a line from a song that the saints would sing when I was growing up. I didn’t appreciate it then like I do now.

Out of all that I have experienced in my life I look around and see what the Lord has done for me. He has never failed me. I’ve been sad, I’ve been disappointed, I’ve been hurt, and I’ve been scarred. But God has been faithful thro

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Seize the Opportunity

by: Clevester Hines



Seize the Opportunity

I am sure that sounds familiar. You can read it in a book, here it on television, here it in many motivational talks/ self-help applications. Sure, it’s an applicable concept but many people can’t seize what they don’t realize is there, which results in missed opportunity.

Did you know that there are millions of people that don’t know that Jesus died for their sins? It’s true. In fact, you may be reading this now and this could be the first ti

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Bracket Busters

by: Clevester Hines



1 Corinthians 2:9 (NKJV)

But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

Basketball fans everywhere know that the month of March is "Madness" - March Madness that is. And, with all the excitement and our brackets filled out (in pencil) we watch the games untiringly through the Sweet Sixteen, Elite Eight, Final Four, and the Championship. In recent years, many of the

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