Here's To Another Day


SUNDAY, 11:30 AM (Pacific)

by: Clevester Hines



Here’s To Another Day!

Thinking a bit about what this year has brought, and what it will bring. I have determined to experience more fatigue than before.

I know that sounds weird but, I question if I really am wasting the breath that God gave me. What am I doing with the time he’s allotted me? Am I a producer or just a consumer? Do I get up and go or wait for it to come to me? God forbid - not anymore. Now is the time to move and be productive.

If not me, then who? If not now, then when? I am finally tired of people looking at me funny, or asking me why I’m doing something a certain way, or it doesn’t take all of that... I have decided that you can look at me however you like or talk about me if that makes you feel better. And by the way, it does take all of that, and then some.

Get used to opinions because EVERYONE has one. Seldom do they offer help or a solution. They only have their opinion, which most of the time they have not tried themselves...

This is not a rant, but a call to action that I have accepted; to be up and actively pursuing what God has for me. At the end of the day I want God to say well done!

John 9:4 (NIV)

As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.

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Here’s To Another Day!

Thinking a bit about what this year has brought, and what it will bring. I have determined to experience more fatigue than before.

I know that sounds weird but, I question if I really am wasting the breath that God gave me. What am I doing with the time he’s allotted me? Am I a producer or just a consumer? Do I get up and go or wait for it to come to me? God forbid - not anymore. Now is the time to move and be productive.

If not me, then who? If not now, then when? I am finally tired of people looking at me funny, or asking me why I’m doing something a certain way, or it doesn’t take all of that... I have decided that you can look at me however you like or talk about me if that makes you feel better. And by the way, it does take all of that, and then some.

Get used to opinions because EVERYONE has one. Seldom do they offer help or a solution. They only have their opinion, which most of the time they have not tried themselves...

This is not a rant, but a call to action that I have accepted; to be up and actively pursuing what God has for me. At the end of the day I want God to say well done!

John 9:4 (NIV)

As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.

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